4月9日 演講訊息:談韓國導演洪尚秀、世界電影與電影中的性

Time: 14:00, 4/9, 2009

Place: Room 305, NSYSU, Taiwan

Topic: Hong Sang-Soo, World Cinema Audiences, and Sexuality in Film
Speaker: Dr. Sean Allan 項亞倫(台大外文系專案助理教授)
Moderator:Tee Kim Tong 張錦忠 (中山大學外文系教授)

   This presentation will look at the films of South Korean director Hong Sang-Soo from a “World Cinema” perspective. Specifically, I will look at the ways in which Hong examines contemporary (hetero)sexuality, the life of the artist at a time seemingly defined by crushing anomie, and the connections between art and sex. At the same time, I will consider the pitfalls of analyses of film from a world cinema perspective. (In this case, I assume that the “world cinema” perspective posits a general audience of intellectuals from across the developed world, but especially concentrated in Europe and the Americas.) I will consider how world cinema perspectives potentially misread emerging cinemas (e.g. Taiwanese and Hong Kong cinemas of the 1980s and 90s, South Korean cinemas of the ‘00s) or delimit them in accordance with popular prejudices among a Western intelligentsia.
  I will further consider these issues vis-a-vis Hong's own connections to European and world cinema sensibilities. From there, I will consider some general issues in the viewing and criticism of representations of sexuality in, especially, recent Asian cinemas. (Here I will concentrate on some ‘Hong-esque' attempts to use art cinema to observe contemporary, everyday sensibilities. Examples will include recent arthouse films from Taiwan, including The Most Distant Course, God, Man, Dog, and others.)



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